New Patients

Welcome to the Ohio State Dental Clinics! We offer a complete range of high-quality, affordable dental services for patients of all ages, backgrounds and geographic locations. The information on this page will help you get started.

Step 1

Choose your provider type

Choose your provider type
Criteria Students Residents Faculty
Cost $ $$ $$$
Appointment Duration  
Provider Experience 1-2 years 2+ years 6+ years
This table provides cost information for Student providers
Students Student Providers Data
Cost $
Appointment Duration  
Provider Experience 1-2 years
This table provides cost information for Resident providers
Residents Resident Providers Data
Cost $$
Appointment Duration
Provider Experience 2+ years
This table provides cost information for Faculty providers
Faculty Faculty Provider Data
Cost $$$
Appointment Duration
Provider Experience 6+ years

Step 2

Ready to make an appointment? 

Once you choose your provider type, visit the clinics page and call the number for the clinic you've chosen. 

Step 3

Patient Forms

Bring to your appointment

Please print and complete this form and bring to your appointment.

Pediatric Medical History

Please print and complete this form and bring to your appointment.