New Patients

Welcome to the Ohio State Dental Clinics! We offer a complete range of high-quality, affordable dental services for patients of all ages, backgrounds and geographic locations. The information on this page will help you get started.

Step 1

Choose your provider type

Choose your provider type
Criteria Students Residents Faculty
Cost $ $$ $$$
Appointment Duration  
Provider Experience 1-2 years 2+ years 6+ years
This table provides cost information for Student providers
Students Student Providers Data
Cost $
Appointment Duration  
Provider Experience 1-2 years
This table provides cost information for Resident providers
Residents Resident Providers Data
Cost $$
Appointment Duration
Provider Experience 2+ years
This table provides cost information for Faculty providers
Faculty Faculty Provider Data
Cost $$$
Appointment Duration
Provider Experience 6+ years

Step 2

Ready to make an appointment? 

Once you choose your provider type, visit the clinics page and call the number for the clinic you've chosen. 

Step 3

Patient Forms

Bring to your appointment

Please print and complete this form and bring to your appointment.